Chapter 9: Adult Gender Roles

Adult Gender Roles
Newspaper article:

Below is a newspaper link that focuses on domestic chores, child rearing, and adult gender roles involved in marriages where both husband and wife work. The article discusses the desire for men to help their working wives with domestic chores and in child rearing, but unfortunately many issues continue to rise.
Photograph illustrating the theme of adult gender roles that is discussed in chapter 9:

In regards to adult gender roles I liked the illustration that appears below. This illustration displays a man not only helping with the domestic chore of cooking, but he is also taking caring of his child while doing so. During the adolescent years it is important for teens to see their father helping around the house in order for them to develop household task sharing.
Video Clip explaining the concept of teen pregnancy:

Below is a YouTube video of Joshua Coleman being interviewed on ABC. Joshua Coleman is the author of the book The Lazy Husband. Joshua Coleman discusses the importance of men doing housework. He explains that men who do housework have children who do better both academically and socially. In addition, he states that men who role model doing domestic chores will have sons who will help out more.

Two Internet sites:

The link below goes into further detail of the importance of the role that parents play in the psychological development of their children. The article explains that parents influence their children in many different ways to include direct interaction and emotional identification.

Below is another link that relates to adult gender roles. This link offers information in regards to how gender roles are developed and parental influence on gender roles. In addition, this site also goes into detail about the benefits of androgynous parenting and the differences in the gender roles developed by children who are raised with at least one androgynous parent.

Song lyrics:

I found the song I Can't Do That Anymore sung by Faith Hill to be quite fitting in regards to adult gender roles. The song lyrics describe a woman whose husband has become successful while she remains at home doing household chores and trying to be who he wants her to be. I found that this song was fitting as the gender roles surrounding women depict them as the ones who do all of the domestic housework. However, studies have found that men who contribute to the household chores encourage their male children to do so as well.

I Can't Do That Anymore

Cut my hair the way you wanted
Watched you become important
Quit my job to make our new home far away
Now you're Mr. Successful and I'm queen of the treadmill
Trying to stay the size you think that I should stay
I used to dream about what I would be
Last night I dreamed about a washing machine

I keep on giving
But I can't stop living
A woman needs a little something of her own
I like happy endings
I don't like depending
I keep right on pretending
But I can't do that anymore

Now you say I'm being silly
But you don't know me really
You never take the time to ask me how I feel
I keep the checkbook balanced
I decorate your palace
You know I used to think that you were king
Somewhere down deep I know you really love me
But you can't see that what we have's not all I needed

I keep on giving
But I can't stop living
A woman needs a little something of her own
I like happy endings
I don't like depending
I keep right on pretending
But I can't do that anymore

You try to tell me I'm not being fair to you
But life's too short for a selfish attitude

I keep on giving
But I can't stop living
A woman needs a little something of her own
I like happy endings
I don't like depending
I keep right on pretending
But I can't do that anymore

Two Paragraphs:

I chose chapter 9 of the text because I found the information regarding the relationships of young adults, their parents, and their children to be quite relevant in my own life just as the previous chapters have. My specific focus of adult gender roles is especially near and dear to my heart as I was raised predominately by my mother. My mother not only did all of the household chores, and worked outside of the home, but she also did a great deal of the chores one would consider to be for a man such as, mowing the lawn, car maintenance, and shoveling the driveway. Because my mother did more than what was stereotypically required of her it instilled in my siblings and me that we can do more with our lives than is typically expected.

Research has found that men who participate in household chores, which is stereotypically considered to be a women's role leads to a very important behavioral role. Which involves leading his children in supporting household task sharing. My mother participated in a great deal of roles that were considered to be roles of men and because of this I am better able to cope when my husband deploys than many of my other friends.

Photo and song lyrics acquired from the following sites: